Part 2: How to Care for Someone with Addiction

Family looking at sunset

When someone you know is struggling with addiction, you’ll quickly realize it impacts every aspect of their life. In turn, their loved ones are also affected in a major way. Identifying how to help in such a situation is easier said than done. For starters, it’s critical to recognize and accept that addiction is a disease. You may want to blame the person, but this will not help them recover.

Addictive substances change your brain. From there, it’s a slippery slope to dependency. Just like when a loved one suffers from a physical disease, an addict deserves compassion and understanding. Always keep this in mind as you learn ways to help them recover.

4 Ways to Care for Someone with Addiction

1. Self-Education 

Immerse yourself in the wide array of available information about addiction and recovery. This effort empowers you to make wise decisions as you support your loved one. It also demonstrates to them that you are committed to this process.

Consult with addiction programs like Al-Anon and Nar-Anon. Consider talking to a therapist on your own. These sessions can help you understand the task ahead and also safeguard your meant well-being as you do so. 

2. Understand What It Means to Enable

Your job is not about rescuing, financially supporting, or covering for the addicted person. It is tempting to do this, but when you do, you’re enabling the addict and prolonging the disease. In addition, someone with an addiction needs to be an active participant in recovery. They must learn from the experience to help avoid relapse. 

Be as generous as you can with emotional support. Support their efforts and goals. Offer love and encouragement. But do not engage in behaviors like: 

  • Downplaying or ignoring the problem

  • Making excuses for them to others

  • Funding their purchases of addictive substances 

  • Blaming other people for the addict’s actions

  • Placing the addict’s needs above your own

Conversely, never use your love as a weapon, e.g., “If you really loved me, you would stop drinking.” It’s important to hold them accountable, but shaming and guilt trips never work. It takes time, but you can find a healthy balance between enabling and manipulating. 

3. Commit to the Long Haul

Addiction recovery is not a quick fix, and a relapse is always possible. This sounds grim, but it can guide you to set realistic expectations. The addict will break their promises to you on the road to recovery. Prepare in advance for this. Recovery support is an ongoing commitment, so check out #4 below to ensure you do not neglect your needs.

4. Practice Self-Care

Absolutely no one benefits if you play the role of a martyr. You have your own life, dreams, stressors, and plans to attend to. An addict will try to guilt you into doing more, but that’s the disease talking. Never forget that you must set boundaries and practice daily self-care. This keeps you healthy and thus better positions you to help others.

Some elements to consider: 

  • Maintain regular sleep patterns

  • Make healthy eating choices

  • Engage in daily physical activity and exercise

  • Cultivate stress management and relaxation techniques 

  • Nurture your social life, your interests and hobbies, and your need for solitude

Failure to care for yourself increases your likelihood of suffering from physical and/or mental problems. This is a classic lose-lose proposition. 

No One Expects You to Have All the Answers

You didn’t ask to become a recovery coach, but here you are with a full-time job. You may feel confusion, resentment, and fear. All of that is normal, and thus, it makes sense to speak with a therapist. You’re not alone, and guidance is available. Let’s talk.

Learn more about our addiction therapy in Plainview, New York


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Part 1: Who is Affected by Substance Abuse?